The EUFC Schools programme currently offers a number of different elements that can be accessed by both primary and secondary schools within our local area, with additional activities already in the planning stage.

Stadium visits and tours
Visits to the Kuflink Stadium are designed to combine classroom-based activities using the Main Lounge and a tour of the ground, including both the old and new main stands and featuring the dressing room and tunnel areas. A visit normally lasts 2-3 hours, ideally during a morning, although afternoon sessions can be facilitated.

The classroom-based activities can include presentations and individual or group work, with a range of topics available. These include national curriculum subjects or other topics, for example, the multiple facets of the football industry.

Visits are free of charge to the school and are coordinated and hosted by Phil Moss, with the content and timings suited to the individual requirements of each school. Assistance with transport costs may be available upon request.

Curriculum-based sessions or projects
These sessions are based on the national curriculum subjects and are delivered in-school with materials jointly developed by the EUFC Schools programme and partner schools.

Case Study: Year 6 Local History Project
St Botolph’s C of E Primary School, Northfleet, worked with Phil Moss to develop a term-long project for Year 6 children based upon the history of Ebbsfleet United FC, including the club’s Victorian origins through to the present day.

The project was introduced during a morning stadium visit and subsequently delivered in school during the remaining five weeks of term. Children developed a timeline of the Fleet’s history and an appreciation of how the club and stadium has changed and evolved over time.

Head Teacher Amy Chitty said: “We were extremely happy to work with Phil and the club to deliver this pilot programme, which the children have really enjoyed. Some of them had never had the opportunity to visit a football ground before and the chance to tour the Kuflink, including the dressing rooms and the tunnel, was fantastic. They have really enjoyed learning about the Fleet’s history and we are happy to work with the club to help offer this project to other primary schools in our Trust and the local area.”

Other subject areas, including art and geography, have been discussed with a view to collaboratively developing sessions in a similar manner to the creation of the local history project.

Careers advice and guidance
A large number of young people are attracted towards a career in football, but many don’t see beyond playing in the first team as a career goal. The EUFC Schools programme seeks to widen aspirations by exploring the range of careers that are possible within football, from the coaching, medical and nutrition aspects to the business side, including management, finance and marketing, as well as journalism and social media.

Invitations asking for EUFC to attend in-school careers events are welcome and the EUFC Schools programme is exploring the possibility of hosting a careers fair during the 2023/24 season.

Citizenship and wellbeing
Citizenship and PSHE education form important elements of the curriculum and EUFC is keen to add its contribution, where appropriate, to the content and delivery of these sessions. 

Invitations asking for EUFC to attend and contribute to or deliver an assembly are welcome, for a single year group through to the whole school.