Q&A event this Wednesday with Fleet CEO and manager

CEO Damian Irvine and manager Danny Searle will take your questions live this Wednesday night in a Q&A event before we show the England semi-final in the Main Stand bar.

The club has hosted several online Q&As in the past and supporters have also asked for in-person events – which we are only too happy to present this Wednesday evening.

Damian and Danny will be on hand to meet and greet supporters and answer your questions directly – doors open at 4pm, with the Q&A event itself beginning at 5pm. Fans are then welcome to stay to watch the huge England v Netherlands semi-final which kicks-off at 8pm.

For any supporters who are unable to attend on the night but would still like to ask a question, please forward questions on email to [email protected].

Entry is free but we would ask you to register number of places required via the link below. Additionally, a food option of chicken/scampi and chips is also available to order.

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