Programme subscriptions are a go!

The club’s matchday programme Fleet Review will once again be available for subscription and pre-order/reservation following the successful and popular launch of the scheme last season.

You will once again be able to reserve every programme for collection in the club shop across 23 home league games for a cost of £69. As part of the deal, subscribers will also receive all home Emirates FA Cup and Isuzu FA Trophy programmes.

Programmes will also be available to reserve on an individual-match basis via our online shop or alongside purchase of your matchday ticket.

Subscriptions and pre-order of programmes are your best way to ensure copies ahead of matches should the print run sell out on the day.

After last season’s 75th anniversary spine-bound souvenir issues, this season Fleet Review will revert to the traditional saddle-stitched format and be printed through 2022/23 by our new programme print partners Footie Print, who delivered our play-off semi-final programme at the end of last season at such short notice.

• We are also accepting new advertisements in the progamme now for the coming season. If you would like your business or organisation represented, we have full-, half- and quarter-page options and offer a design service for your ad as well if required.

Contact us on 01474 533796 or [email protected] now for more information or to book.

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