The club are working on having a new scoreboard in place in time for the Fleet’s February fixtures following the retirement of our existing Swanscombe End scoreboard, which has been in situ for almost eight years.
The old scoreboard has come to the end of its natural life – and courtesy of a generous donation of £2,000 by the Fleet Supporters Trust, with the balance being met by the club, we will be replacing it with a new LED electronic device of similar size in its existing position.
The scoreboard has become a focal point for supporters since its original installation and the club was keen to either repair or replace the existing one as soon as possible following its unavoidable malfunction on 28th December. We are very grateful that the Fleet Supporters Trust has contributed towards the costs and will continue their sponsorship of it.
Alongside the new installation, the club is offering local businesses the opportunity to co-sponsor the new scoreboard – to display your branding and message throughout the course of a matchday in one of the most visible points inside the Kuflink Stadium. To secure this partnership email us today on [email protected] or call 01474 533796 and we can get to work on having your ads ready for the first game of operation.
Should any other businesses wish to advertise on our new scoreboard also, please contact us now via the details above.
The new scoreboard will allow for additional info displays aimed at supporters, including the 50/50 number, attendance and man of the match information, team lineups, announcements, safety messages and similar throughout the course of your matchday.