Join the players for open training session this August 1st

Your support was absolutely superb last season with manager Danny Searle commenting on how valuable it was for the team.

And with the new season just around the corner, we want that bond between fans and players to become ever closer and here’s your chance to get up close with your team, new players and old, before we begin the new campaign.

The Fleet are holding an open training session ahead of our final pre-season match and we are inviting supporters down to watch the players and meet the squad afterwards for signing and photo opportunities.

This will take place on Thursday, 1st August from 4.00pm at the Kuflink Stadium.

Food and refreshments will be available with the main stand kiosk and bar open throughout the event (drinks may be consumed in the stands). We will also have a pop-up shop on hand if you’d like to purchase our new range of merchandise ahead of the big kick-off.

Admission is free but we would ask that you pre-register here by adding tickets via our shop website.

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