The Fleet are offering the opportunity to be our dugouts sponsor for our anniversary 2021/22 season ahead – with your brand/logo in full visibility as Dennis Kutrieb, his staff and subs take to the home dugout in front of supporters for the first time. And your sponsorship extends to our away dugouts as well, giving you prime exposure the full length of our 1,100-seat Main Stand.
Whether it be taking their seats before a game, the shouts of tactical advice, a focus on substitution activity or just the minute-by-minute actions of both managers, the dugouts are always a hive of activity and a central focal point on matchdays – so ensure its your name on both of those areas this season.
For any enquiries on a sponsorship opportunity the like of which does not come around very often, please don’t hesitate to call us on 01474 533796 or email us on [email protected] and we can get the ball rolling for your tunnel branding before our 75th anniversary season kicks off.

Dugouts Sponsor
Your brand in prime position above both team benches
– Logo atop both the home and away dugouts facing the Main Stand
– Advertising around the edging of each dugout
– In full view from both directors’ boxes, main stand attendees, Hospitality Lounge, Boardroom and Chairman’s Suite
– Visible front and centre on camera for matchday highlights
– Photo and press-release opportunity for company on sponsorship launch
– (Production cost of branding to be met by sponsor)