Classic Fleet shirts make a comeback

As the calendar turned to 2021 so too did nostalgic thoughts of the Fleet’s history as we approach our 75th year of existence and our 75th season in 2021/22.

Kicking-off our ‘Classic Fleet’ range ahead of the summer and autumn’s official anniversary period, we are launching a couple of retro Gravesend & Northfleet kits from the 1950s and 1990s.

In collaboration with World Retro/Chablais Sport we are delighted to make available for order long- and short-sleeved buttoned collared versions of our Fifties shirt in polyester material, with the addition sublimated in white of the Gravesend & Northfleet badge.

The classic red shirt was worn in a similar style throughout much of the decade by the club’s players, culminating in our first league title, when we won the Southern League championship in 1957/58.

And then we jump forward four decades with the release of a reimagined version of the fondly remembered Mister Ham Man shirt, most famously worn at Aston Villa in our 1995/96 FA Cup run, in red with black trim as was the style of the time. In addition to the well-loved sponsors’ logo, the coloured version of the Gravesend & Northfleet badge, introduced for our 50th anniversary, is also part of this shirt design.

Both retro shirts are available in junior/adult versions and a huge range of sizes ranging from ‘Babygro’ right up to 7XL Adult. A name and/or number can be added to the reverse free of charge. Shirts are priced at £44.99-£49.99. Please note that as a bespoke item, our supplier may take up to four weeks to deliver from point of order.

Our souvenir replica shirts for next season, along with further 75th Anniversary merchandise and events, will be announced closer to the run-up to next season.

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