The club today concluded its commercial sponsorship structure by adding three new names to its growing list of business partners as SJA Group, Woodlands Site Services Ltd and Gullands Solicitors arrive on board.
Our portfolio of business partners now stands at 18 – and what a family of leading brand names it contains. Sponsorship income has been calculated at record levels this close season and much of the success can be attributed to the hard work of departing general manager Dave Archer, who leaves the club on 30th June.
Dave told, “I am very proud to be leaving the Fleet with an inventory of top-drawer sponsors that any Championship club would be proud to have. They are all so very supportive of the club and it gives me great satisfaction to have built such an important and lasting commercial infrastructure at the Fleet. I leave the club and our sponsors in very capable hands going forward and I am certain our latest business partners will enjoy the experience and be as supportive of the club as all those we have welcomed on board in the past.”