Pitch hire looms at the Kuflink once more

You can get the chance to experience playing on the Kuflink Stadium surface this Spring as the club once again offers its close-season pitch hire.

It’s the perfect opportunity for your team or company to showcase their skills and enjoy a social occasion either side of your stint on the Fleet turf.

Included in pitch hire package is a two-hour pitch-hire slot, use of our brand spanking new home and away changing rooms, together with complimentary on-site car parking and the use of the hospitality lounge for your post-match analysis.

We have dates available from Monday 23rd April through to Sunday 29th April and time slots are: Morning (10:30-12:30), Afternoon (2pm-4pm) or Evening (6pm-8pm).

If you want to grab a hire slot now, email Matthew Faithorn on [email protected] or call on 01474 533796 for prices and availability.

*NOTE. Due to The Take That Experience live event in the lounge on Friday 27th April, the Plough End Social Club will instead be made available for post-match drinks for any bookings on this day.

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