Fleet’s GK coach offers fans new-year body goals plan

If you read the interview with Fleet’s goalkeeping coach in yesterday’s matchday programme, you will know that Michael Jordan’ work away from the Fleet includes personal training and an innovative new Body Goals Plan. This coming new year, starting 8th January, Michael is offering a 15% reduction to Fleet fans who enrol on the Body Goals Plan so if your 2018 resolution is to get back in shape or simply to get started on the road to weight loss or body transformation, see below for more details on how to take up Michael’s offer.

The idea behind Body Goals is to transform weight and body image in an undemanding environment and manageable timeframe, run entirely online. It’s an eight-week body transformation plan aimed at busy people who may not have time to get to the gym or don’t like a gym environment.

All you need is a set of dumbbells and all workouts are just 20-25 minutes long. Once registered you are entered into a private Facebook group with Michael and his business partner Carly, along with all the participants.

Everything you need is in the group: there are 6 x workouts a week which get added to the group daily, an eight-week, easy-to-follow nutrition plan along with a recipe booklet of meals you can eat on the plan. Michael and Carly interact with the group constantly and coach you through the eight weeks.

“We’ve had fantastic results from the first group,” Michael told FleetOnline, “and we can’t wait for January 8th to begin again. And I’d love to bring both sides of my work together and see some Fleet fans enrolled on the Body Goals Plan. January is always the time of year that people like to start thinking about transforming some aspect of their lives and we can definitely help in that regard.”

Registration closes on January 7th so if you are interested, please see below… You can also tune in to a free live workout on New Year’s Day at 10am to see what it’s all about here: www.facebook.com/MichaelJordanFitness/posts/1392599654201865

• Michael is offering all Fleet supporters thinking of getting in shape for 2018 a special deal on The Body Goals Plan for January. Enter code FLEET15 at the checkout on the website (www.bodygoalsplan.com) for 15% off the Eight-Week Plan. The normal price is £99.99 and the next plan begins on 8th January.

For more info, please follow Michael on Facebook and Instagram.

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